Excalibur #7

Second of the two Inferno tie-in issues, which mean more of the same demons-attacking-New York antics from Excalibur #6. Being that this is Excalibur, this story's take on the event is a shade more light-hearted than what was going on concurrently in X-Men, X-Factor, and New Mutants. There were comedic moments even in the main X-Men title (I remember a possessed mailbox eating a mailman), but here that angle is dialed up significantly.
I bought this issue to further the ongoing “repurchasing my childhood” project. This copy was in just as good a condition as when I bought it brand new, and cheaper than when I first got it. The amazing wrap around cover features Rachel Summers Phoenix marrying a crispy little demon on the front. On the back side, the deliciously evil Goblin Princess poses with Captain Britain clinging to her leg in a funny inversion of the usual leg-clinging damsel trope. Obviously, I display this one in its bag and board back side out.
Side note: Perhaps tellingly, Nightcrawler is the only hero during this crossover event (that I can recall) to never manifest an Inferno-corrupted form. He might look demonic, but Kurt Wagner always had the heart and soul of a hero. Vice versa, the more outwardly normal heroes, even Kitty Pryde, all seem to have inner demons just waiting to slip their leashes.