Action Comics #472

“Face it, Superman! I’m as powerful as you—and a much better fighter!” Ah, the 70s! Lots of things were changing at home and abroad, especially the broads. Am I right, folks? Bah-dump-tss! Faora Huul isn’t your usual escapee from the Phantom Zone (and there have been plenty of escapees from the Phantom Zone over the years). A version of Faora recently appeared on the big screen in Snyder's Man of Steel, but she lacked some of the gonzo appeal of the comic character that inspired her.
Faora is a master of Kryptonian kung-fu and regularly killed men in her own private concentration camp on Superman's homeworld before it blew up. As Superman muses to himself in this issue, “A man-hater! It figures—the first woman I can screw without killing her and she’s some kinda got-danged feminist!”
Okay, he didn’t think that last bit, but close enough.
Faora Huul turns out to be a very dangerous opponent, using Superman’s own strength against him—and the people of Metropolis. At one point in their battle, Faora gets behind Superman and hits his ears in such a way that he screams in agony. This super-scream smashes all the glass in the buildings along the street where they are tussling.
Even the Hostess Fruit Pie ad has Robin call the villain Pigeon Woman (yes, I know) only to be corrected, “Pigeon Person!” To his credit, Batman addresses the winged villainess by her preferred nomenclature. It seems the Dark Knight has moved past his “Papa spank!” phase.