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Greg O'Driscoll

John Byrne can't catch X-lightning in a bottle twice.

X-Men – The Hidden Years #20

“The Strangest Teens of All” reads the cover. Another blurb declares “Where Monsters Dwell!” John Byrne wrote and drew this retroactive continuity insert series. The cover itself is yet another homage to the cover of Fantastic Four #1. Exactly how many times has Byrne drawn this cover layout?

Two issues before the announced cancellation (but only the second or third issue of this title I had ever read) I can see why the title was cancelled. This is not the greatest material Byrne has ever illustrated. With the right inker, it could have really soared. I pulled this out of a bin and liked the cover enough to take it up to the counter.

The only other issue of this that I can recall purchasing was from years ago when it was actually monthly title-- and that was only for the Savage Land connection. I unashamedly love Marvel’s Savage Land and will buy comics I otherwise have no interest in if Ka-Zar or the Savage Land make an appearance.

Still, the story was solid enough and it pushes a certain nostalgia button to see the original X-Men back in action again. But how high can the stakes ever really be when each issue happens in the past? For me, this is the downfall of most prequel stuff, be it T.V., movies, or comics. Something really clever has to happen to outweigh the built in guarantee that no one is in any real danger.

A cool curiosity but nothing more. I picked this up for half price at the now defunct Video Games and More in Southeast Georgia. After confirming my initial assessment, I've never felt motivated to buy up any more of them. More people rave about Byrne’s recent online X-men fanfic than they do this comic.

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