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The Greatest Space-Fantasy Film of All!

Greg O'Driscoll

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Star Wars #2

Star Wars #2 from Marvel Comics, 2nd printing circa 1977.

This is artifact level stuff for me right here! Yes, it’s only a second printing, but the feeling of nostalgia that washed over me when I read it for the first time in decades— wow! A blurb on the cover reads “Luke Skywalker Strikes Back!” years before The Empire Strikes Back ever hit theaters. We know Lucas was a comic buff. Perhaps something in the phrase stuck with him? Of course, Luke also cries out, “Swing that lightsaber, Ben- - or we’re finished!” and that never made it into any Star Wars movie in any form.

This is the official Marvel comic adaptation of the iconic movie that launched an *ahem* empire. I would love to see the info packet that was put together for Marvel to work from, because the film was not even complete by the time this issue was drawn, but Chaykin really nails so much of the visual feel of it. I have heard Chaykin won’t sign these issues at cons any longer. He is tired of being associated with the franchise after working hard to distinguish himself in other ways. This is somewhat justifiable. Personally, when I think of Chaykin, I think of American Flagg. I've heard others say Black Kiss is very good.

Anyway, some story points and designs differ significantly. Most notable of these differences is Jabba, who wound up not even appearing in the original cut of the film! Other than the off-model (thought not at the time) Jabba, it is a faithful and fun comic adaptation. Would Star Wars he comic be as amazing if it didn’t have the colossal power of the Star Wars the movie backing it up? Would this be an amazing sword and planet comic all on its own? That’s hard to say.

It’s difficult to get objective distance from something as monolithic and influential as Star Wars, but I really do think, yeah, this could have been a cool (and durable) comic series all by itself.

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